Selected Publications
In Proceedings
- [CGL11a]
M. Cîrlănaru, D. Ginev, and C.
Lange (2011)
Authoring and publishing of units and
quantities in semantic documents.
See Proceedings of the 1st workshop on semantic publication,
Extended Semantic Web Conference, García Castro et
External Links: Link
- [CGL11b]
M. Cîrlănaru, D. Ginev, and C.
Lange (2011)
Authoring and publishing of units and
quantities in semantic documents.
See The semantic web:
ESWC 2011 workshops, García Castro et
pp. 202–216.
External Links: Link
- [DGK+11]
C. David, D. Ginev, M. Kohlhase, B. Matican,
and S. Mirea (2011)
A framework for modular semantic publishing
with separate compilation and dynamic linking.
See Proceedings of the 1st workshop on semantic publication,
Extended Semantic Web Conference, García Castro et
External Links: Link
- [GSK11]
D. Ginev, H. Stamerjohanns, and M.
Kohlhase (2011)
The LaTeXML daemon: editable math on the
collaborative web.
See Intelligent computer
mathematics, Davenport et al.,
pp. 292–294.
External Links: Link
- [KCD+11]
M. Kohlhase, J. Corneli, C. David, D. Ginev,
C. Jucovschi, A. Kohlhase, C. Lange, B. Matican, S. Mirea, and V. Zholudev (2011)
The planetary system: web 3.0 & active
documents for stem.
M. Sato, S. Matsuoka, P. M. Sloot, G. D. van
Albada, and J. Dongarra (Eds.),
Vol. 4, pp. 598–607.
Note: Finalist at the Executable Paper Grand
External Links: Link,
- [LKD+11]
C. Lange, M. Kohlhase, C. David, D. Ginev, A.
Kohlhase, B. Matican, S. Mirea, and V. Zholudev (2011)
The planetary system: executable science,
technology, engineering and math papers.
See The
semantic web: research and applications (part ii), Antoniou et
pp. 471–475.
External Links: 1103.1482
- [DGK+10]
C. David, D. Ginev, M. Kohlhase, and J.
Corneli (2010)
eMath 3.0: building blocks for a social and
semantic web for online mathematics & ELearning.
See 1st International Workshop on Mathematics and ICT:
Education, Research and Applications, Mierlus-Mazilu,
External Links: Link
- [SGD+10a]
H. Stamerjohanns, D. Ginev, C. David, D.
Misev, V. Zamdzhiev, and M. Kohlhase (2010)
Conversion d’articles en LaTeX vers XML avec
MathML : une étude comparative.
Vol. 51, pp. 7–28.
External Links: Link
- [SKG+10b]
H. Stamerjohanns, M. Kohlhase, D. Ginev, C.
David, and B. Miller (2010)
Transforming large collections of scientific
publications to XML.
S. Autexier, P. Sojka, and M. Suzuki
Vol. 3, pp. 299–307.
External Links: Link
- [GJA+09]
D. Ginev, C. Jucovschi, S. Anca, M. Grigore,
C. David, and M. Kohlhase (2009)
An architecture for linguistic and semantic
analysis on the arXMLiv corpus.
In Applications of Semantic Technologies
(AST) Workshop at Informatik 2009,
External Links: Link
- [SGD+09]
H. Stamerjohanns, D. Ginev, C. David, D.
Misev, V. Zamdzhiev, and M. Kohlhase (2009)
MathML-aware article conversion from LaTeX, a
comparison study.
See Towards digital mathematics library, dml 2009 workshop, Sojka,
pp. 109–120.
External Links: Link
Technical Reports
- [SGD+09]
H. Stamerjohanns, D. Ginev, C. David, D.
Misev, V. Zamdzhiev, and M. Kohlhase (2009)
A comparison study of mathml-aware LaTeX
KWARC Report
Jacobs University Bremen.
External Links: Link
- [GIN11]
D. Ginev (2011-08)
The structure of mathematical
Master’s Thesis, Jacobs University Bremen, Bremen, Germany.
External Links: Link
- [GIN09]
D. Ginev (2009)
An architecture for recovering meaning in a
LaTeX to OMDoc conversion.
Bachelor’s Thesis, Jacobs University Bremen.
External Links: Link
Referenced Proceeding Collections
- [WDS+14]
S. Watt, J. Davenport, A. Sexton, P. Sojka,
and J. Urban (Eds.) (2014)
Intelligent computer mathematics.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Cited by: GC14, GMO14.
- [CAL+13]
J. Carette, D. Aspinall, C. Lange, P. Sojka,
and W. Windsteiger (Eds.) (2013)
Intelligent computer mathematics.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
External Links: Document,
ISBN 978-3-642-39319-8
Cited by: GM13.
- [LAC+13]
C. Lange, D. Aspinall, J. Carette, J.
Davenport, A. Kohlhase, M. Kohlhase, P. Libbrecht, P. Quaresma, F. Rabe, P. Sojka, I. Whiteside, and W.
Windsteiger (Eds.) (2013)
Joint proceedings of the MathUI, OpenMath,
PLMMS, and ThEdu workshops and work in progress at the conference on intelligent computer mathematics
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Aachen.
External Links: ISSN 1613-0073,
Cited by: GIN13.
- [AGP+11]
G. Antoniou, M. Grobelnik, E. Paslaru Bontas
Simperl, B. Parsia, D. Plexousakis, P. D. Leenheer, and J. Z. Pan (Eds.) (2011)
The semantic web: research and applications
(part ii).
LNCS, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.
External Links: ISBN 978-3-642-21033-4
Cited by: LKD+11.
- [DFR+11]
J. Davenport, W. Farmer, F. Rabe, and J.
Urban (Eds.) (2011)
Intelligent computer mathematics.
LNAI, Springer Verlag.
External Links: ISBN 978-3-642-22672-4
Cited by: GSK11.
- [GLS+11a]
A. García Castro, C. Lange, E. Sandhaus, and
A. de Waard (Eds.) (2011)
Proceedings of the 1st workshop on semantic publication, Extended Semantic Web Conference.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Aachen.
External Links: ISSN 1613-0073,
Cited by: CGL11a,
DGK+11, KDG+12.
- [GFA11b]
R. García Castro, D. Fensel, and G. Antoniou
(Eds.) (2011)
The semantic web: ESWC 2011 workshops.
LNCS, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.
External Links: ISBN 978-3-642-25952-4
Cited by: CGL11b.
- [MIE10]
I. Mierlus-Mazilu (Ed.) (2010)
1st International Workshop on Mathematics and ICT: Education, Research and
External Links: Link
Cited by: DGK+10.
- [SOJ09]
P. Sojka (Ed.) (2009)
Towards digital mathematics library, dml 2009
Masaryk University, Brno.
Cited by: SGD+09.