The Digits of CLIP
09 March, 2021

Sifting through a single layer of OpenAI’s CLIP, examining numerical and textual neurons

arXiv’s Statements : a preprocessing dive into arXMLiv 08.2019
01 October, 2019

We explore the labeled statements of arXiv, as marked up by the authors, and extract a dataset for supervised training.

arXiv’s Headings : a preprocessing dive into arXMLiv 08.2019
22 September, 2019

We explore the sectioning headings of arXiv, collecting all “standard” titles, as deposited by the authors.
  LLamapun ,   arXiv ,   Preprocessing ,   Big Data

Deep Expertise: the Need for Fine-tuning at Scale
03 September, 2019

Comparing pre-trained Glove models with domain-specific models, and factoring in data volume magnitudes, poses a question about generalization

MathML on the Web – Please!
16 September, 2015

The artificial juggling of JavaScript snippets to get common sense, usable mathematical rendering needs to stop.
  MathML ,   MathJax ,   KaTeX ,   HTML5 ,   Browsers ,   Rant

Authoritative LaTeX
01 May, 2015

A select palette of power authoring features, brought to you by Authorea and LaTeXML.
  Tutorial ,   Showcase ,   LaTeX ,   LaTeXML

LaTeX is Dead (long live LaTeX)
16 March, 2015

How does one write a scientific document for the web? Can one use LaTeX? Should we?

Joys of Pi: Test Server and Monitor host for the startup developer
14 March, 2015

Pi Fun on Pi Day!